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myPhoneDesktop stopped working after recent OS X update



  • Mike Swingler

    This issue has been fixed by Apple re-releasing:

    < > (10.7, 10.8+)

    < > (10.6-only)

  • Santosh
    @mike why do think issue is fixed. Above urls pointing to original apple post release 6/18 or am I missing something? Can you ellaborate as this is critical issue for so many not only myPhoneDesktop guys :( wtf is happening with apple these days?! Making me scarry a bit!
  • Mike Swingler
    We re-issued the same release with a fix. If you have the previous version, you'll have to get the manual installer above. Your Java version should end with *M4509 afterwards.
  • Gregory Ledenev

    @mike: thank you for quickly fixing that issue! Everything seems work now!

    Would it be possible to make it "true" update visible for all the affected users? 


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