We're sorry to hear your account has been compromised. There are several things you can do to resolve this issue as quickly as possible:
Change Password
- Login to myPhoneDesktop iPhone/iPod touch app
- Tap Settings
- Tap your account name (user Name, under Settings | Account Section)
- Tap Edit Account
- Enter New Password
- Confirm New Password
- Tap Save button
- Enter your old Password
Make sure you create a unique password to help keep someone from breaking in to your account. After you changed your password you will receive one time confirmation email from support@myphonedesktop.com email address. This email will contain your account information (login and password).
Log out and Create New Account
You must logout from your iPhone/iPod touch in order to unsubscribe from Apple's Push Notification Service (APNS). To logout:
- Login to myPhoneDesktop iPhone/iPod touch app
- Tap Settings
- Tap your account name (user Name, under Settings | Account Section)
- Tap Logout
After you logout you can tap Create Account to create New Account (see "Create/Edit Account" topic here: http://bit.ly/coqall)
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